Welcome to Goandria! – Guest Post by R. Michael

Welcome to Goandria!


Gray and black clouds marched across the once-blue sky. The wind stripped many of the trees of their orange and red foliage. Before long, the darkened sky flashed with bolts of lighting, and thunder rolled in the distance like ominous war drums. A sea of hardwood trees swayed as far as the eye could see in every direction, but in the center of a clearing rose two towers.

The towers were tall, and their walls blazed white, even amongst the coming darkness. The polished stone flawlessly highlighted the craftsmanship of their architect. Each tower looked as if it was carved out of a single piece of stone. Compounding this illusion, no windows were set in the stonework, for their inhabitants did not require any such hindrances to the structures’ beauty. They were pyramidal in shape but elongated so they appeared stretched upward. They were joined by a bridge near the top of the towers which was accented by a series of flying buttresses. Statues of warriors lined the outside of the structures as well as several walkways that merged into a single road that was the only way in or out of the towers.

Along the stone road, a chocolate-brown horse bore its blue-cloaked rider. Two score similarly-clad individuals came out to greet the rider. The horseman threw back his hood, revealing a pronounced jaw and brow bone, long, brown hair, and a short beard that covered his face and neck. He stood taller than his peers, a little over six feet, and his entire frame was reinforced by bulging muscles. Beneath his cloak, he wore a steel breastplate with chainmail sleeves and a bronze-hilted, hand-and-a-half sword hung at his belt.


Goandria: The Schism introduces a storyline that has been in the works for nearly a decade and a half. This novel will give readers the first glimpse into a larger fantasy world that will unfold as the series continues.


The Schism sets up events for the next book, Goandria: Visions of War, and serves as a prequel to the entire series. It was a storyline I did not intend to release or write anytime soon, but as I started to near the end of my first manuscript, I began to realize how important The Schism storyline was. I also wanted to avoid continuity errors that commonly happen when releasing prequels after the main story.


What happens in Goandria: The Schism? Long ago, the worlox demons emerged from their prison and set themselves up as Lords over the world. The people were persecuted and oppressed, nearly to extinction. The only force that stood in the way of total worlox domination was the wizard order. The wizards, tasked with the protection of Goandria, had been locked in a stalemate with the worlox for generations until the events in this book unfolded.


I wish to deliver to the reader an Epic Fantasy tale that is very character driven. I hope that my audience can laugh and cry with the two main protagonists, Lorkai and Evera, as they push forward in their war against the worlox. This is only the beginning, so stay with the characters as their lives take unexpected turns.


R. Michael was born in Merrillville, IN, and grew up in rural Minnesota. He has aspired to become a writer since he was twelve years old and works toward that goal daily. Fantasy and R Michael author picScience Fiction are his passion, and he loves to get lost in a new world. A dedicated family man, he spends his time taking care of his family’s needs. He has one son and is happily married to his editor.

Part I of Goandria is free on Smashwords – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/513226

Setting the Mood…

Setting the mood for your writing can be difficult. Maybe you work best in utter silence. Maybe you prefer the atmosphere of your local coffee shop. For myself, I prefer to work with my music. But it can’t be just any music. It must be intent and fast-paced because it’s difficult to write an intense battle scene when a slow song comes on or a love song, which usually wrecks the mood.

My favorite writing music includes soundtracks such as the official scores to all three Lord of the Rings movies along with The Hobbit movies. When I get tired of my own music, I use Pandora to rotate through soundtracks and trailer music. My other fallback is YouTube and the epic music mixes.

These are two of my favorite mixes (I used them throughout NaNoWriMo) –

The general mood setter for The Therian Way…

And my go-to inspiration for the atmosphere during an intense fight is…

So how do you set the mood for your writing? Do you have a specific place you like to use? Best music for fight scenes? For romantic scenes? What music is guaranteed to pull you out of the mood? Do you like music with lyrics or is it instrumentals and vocalizations only? ‘Tis the season for Christmas music. Does it help or distract you while writing? Maybe it puts you in the mood to write Christmas-themed stories instead of the thrilling adventure currently happening in your fantasy.